Plasma Products

In the open-source world, we’re quite familiar with projects. Write some code to solve a problem, make sure it works for you, maybe put it in a Git repo, and voila! A project is mostly personal; you scratch an itch and improve your life a bit. It’s how everything starts.

Then you put your Git repo online to share your project with others, and it begins to transform into a product. A product is outward-focused; its purpose is to be of value to others. To succeed, it must grow organizational components such as defined scopes of features and support, documentation, promotion and advertising, methods of distribution and updating, formalized feedback channels, decision-making processes, and so on.

This transition is hard, and it can burn out FOSS maintainers of productized projects who suddenly find themselves corresponding with rude strangers without pay and lacking the time to focus on the parts of the project they found fun. It takes a very special and rare kind of volunteer to consistently do this work for free.

In the commercial world, product development and maintenance is sustained by the money people pay to buy the product. But in the FOSS world, we’re in this awkward valley where our products are frequently competitive in functionality and reach with the commercial ones, but we don’t generally charge money or benefit from a funding stream to keep them going sustainably.

FOSS funding

…But sometimes we do! For example, the Krita foundation pays several engineers to work on the product. KDE e.V. now also pays multiple people to do critical technical work for Plasma and its surrounding app and library ecosystem: porting and platform maintenance, writing and maintaining customer-focused features, documentation, and packaging. This isn’t cheap! And because we give our products away for free, the money to pay the people consistently doing this important work is very limited and comes from corporate patronship, individual donations, grants, and sometimes paid downloads on the proprietary app stores. Keeping this financial flow going is itself a lot of work! This is normally the part where I beg you to donate! 🙂 But not right now. Right now I want to explore alternatives.

Software is hard to sell. Always has been. These days the most successful funding models for software are not a great match for what we typically build, and some even seem sort of fundamentally icky or morally objectionable, like DRM-restricted subscription services, micro-transactions, or being ad-supported. Software sold with these models is exploitative, so that’s no good. And the older model of paying for download makes even less sense for us since the source code of our products is available for free and there’s already an enormous surrounding infrastructure for the packaging and distribution of open source software. Why would anyone pay to download something they can get for free legally and almost effortlessly?

To get people to pay for a product or service, you have to provide something they can’t already easily and legally get themselves for free.

Like hardware devices

This is why I think it’s so important that we have hardware vendor partners: hardware devices are inherently products that people pay for. When KDE’s hardware vendor partners use KDE’s software in their products, it pushes that software more in the direction of being product-friendly–which is to say, user-friendly. Some of our vendor partners even pay people to work on improving KDE software directly, which is amazing and it’s something I’d like to see even more of. There are also financial benefits for KDE e.V. in the form of patronship dues and getting a portion of sales, which can be re-invested to pay for work on the software in general; I think it’s important that a majority of technical decision-making remains in KDE.

But if the product is the laptop or phone or gaming console, what does that make Plasma?

A toolkit for building products

My KDE colleague Niccolò Venerandi published an interesting video about this the other day (and also here in text/blog form). Basically he echoes an Akademy 2022 talk given by KDE e.V. president Aleix Pol Gonzalez about how Plasma itself is a kind of toolkit for building the software UX for products. I’ve also written about this before.

In this way of looking at it, the Plasma Desktop we’re all familiar with is one such UX built by KDE itself, and companies like Valve, Slimbook, Kubuntu Focus, Tuxedo, and Pine64 ship Plasma-powered products using that desktop UX and others. We even learned at least year’s Akademy that Mercedes is driving their in-car UI with KWin, Plasma’s window manager!

Now, this doesn’t mean you should go all “well akshually…” on your friends when they say “Plasma” or “KDE” to mean “Plasma Desktop.” Who cares! It’s obvious. And the Plasma Desktop is probably going to be our biggest thing for a while. It’s got the longest history and the most passion behind it. But the point stands: beneath Plasma Desktop lies a whole flexible system for quickly building other UX paradigms better suited for different kinds of devices.

If you don’t use that capability in your daily life, that’s fine. If you do use it to transform your Plasma Desktop into something totally unique that’s perfectly adapted to your personal needs and desires, that’s fine too! And what’s even more fine is when companies use this functionality to sell products with a Plasma-powered UX and invest in KDE! Seen in this way, Plasma is a powerful tool for all kinds of embedded software-driven products. We’ve already done most of the R&D that you’ll get for free; it just makes sense.

Being product-friendly

If Plasma is a tool to reduce cost and risk when building a product that uses it, we need to treat it more like what it is: a B2B developer tool. This means things like focusing on distro and hardware vendor use cases; ensuring painless and bulletproof customizability; maintaining documentation for all features; providing a rich library of components; offering a friendly and adequate out-of-the-box UX; having our own distribution and updating tools you can use if you want; and pitching our work to potential customers. Do all of those things sound familiar? They should! It’s what many members of the KDE community have been focusing on over multiple years. Documentation in particular is sorely needed to improve adoption by product-focused companies, and that’s why KDE e.V. hired a documentation contractor early this year. And KDE e.V. has a marketing team too, to improve outreach! Hmm, almost sounds like there’s a plan in place!

How to help

If being part of a movement to help get a Plasma-powered UX on all sorts of devices sounds cool and exciting, there a lot of ways to help!

  • Keep using Plasma Desktop, submitting bug reports, and fixing stuff; keep being awesome! Focus in particular on hardware integration and developer UX.
  • Help write developer documentation, particularly around shell customization and theming.
  • Be aware of the larger context and understand how proposed changes will affect others who use Plasma and Plasma-powered products. We don’t exist in a vacuum! The project is larger than us.
  • If the company you work for is using Plasma on their devices, start a conversation internally about becoming a KDE Patron, or about devoting engineering efforts towards direct upstream contributions to Plasma.
  • If the company you work for isn’t using Plasma on their devices, pitch it to them!
  • Donate to KDE e.V. so we can hire more people to technical work and offer expanded hours and work opportunities to the people we already have (they are currently part-time or less).

6 thoughts on “Plasma Products

  1. Also, I think it would be great if is also emphasized further as a place for, well, discussing KDE. Ideally, I would like it if there’s also a Discord server that is pushed as well — as much as I love OSS, Discord is something that a lot of people like and uses.


    1. I do understand there is a need to involve more people within the KDE community but I am against Discord despite using it myself for other things. Discord is not only not FOSS but it is where knowledge goes to die (mainly because searchability problems and lack of outside access). Not to mention that if the company ever goes under, all the knowledge pooled in Discord goes poof because they sure as heck won’t provide any backups.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. @kucharczykl Understandable, though personally, something about Discord just attracts people and active participation, so I think there’s value in it. If not an official KDE server, then at least highlighting top Discord servers for KDE discussions would be nice. As far as searchability goes, there is which seems to be trying to solve that issue.


  2. I believe that a product with a high-quality codebase, excellent UX and UI doesn’t need any promotion and advertising. Conversely, no amount of advertising and promotion will help a product with a terrible codebase and ill-conceived UX/UI.


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