This week in KDE: fixing all the things

Plasma 5.17 was released this week to glowing reviews! As with most new releases, our loyal users wasted no time in finding all the bugs we missed! So you know what that means, right? We all burned the midnight oil fixing the problems you found, and Plasma 5.17.1 will be released in just a few days with everything we’ve knocked out so far (detailed below) so never fear!

New Features

Bugfixes & Performance Improvements

User Interface Improvements

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29 thoughts on “This week in KDE: fixing all the things

  1. Amazing and fast work by the KDE buttkicking wizards once again. About the “The scale factor value in the System Settings Display Configuration page is now expressed as a percentage rather than a decimal”-thing: On my HD laptop, unfortunately and somewhat annoyingly (yup, it’s a word..?) I have to use the –force-device-scale-factor= on a number of programs .desktop files, like so: Will this new percentage-style affect this in any way, as in: will I have to do something differently to get the same results?


    1. Internally the factor stays the same, it’s just the label which now offers a different visual representation and displays the value in terms of percentage instead of a pure fractional number.
      Therefore you don’t need to change the “–force-device-scale-factor=x.yz”.


  2. > Discover’s “Updates are available” notification is no longer persistent

    Finally! 🙂

    Discover offers me some updates, which make wonder a little bit:
    There’s an available update for eg “org.freedesktop.Platform.html5-codecs” 18.08 -> 18.08 (!sic) offered via FlatPak.
    There’s no description of the package in Discover, further it seems to update to the same version it already has and last I can’t remember to have ever used FlatPak on this system. Maybe you can demystify the situation for me so that I can finally install the update without too much worry. 🙂


    1. We recently changed the text to say “Update to version 18.08” in Discover, but yeah, overall this is kind of weird. AFAIK it’s mostly Flathub’s issue for not supplying chaneglogs for runtime updates.

      The fact that you’re getting runtime updates means that you must have installed some Flatpak thing in the past. Try running `flatpak list` to find out what it is.


  3. Hi Nate,

    Thanks for all your (and other developers) hard work.

    On System Settings, is there a specific reason for keeping ‘Notifications’ and ‘Other Notifications’ separate, rather than the latter being a sub-page of the former?

    In connection with 6.25% scale options, possibly adopting 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, 200%… (up to) 300% snap positions, with a checkbox (or other method) to allow more granular 6.25% steps would help simplify the experience?

    Thank you in advance for your time.


    1. On System Settings, is there a specific reason for keeping ‘Notifications’ and ‘Other Notifications’ separate, rather than the latter being a sub-page of the former?

      Can you provide a screenshot? I don’t see this.

      In connection with 6.25% scale options, possibly adopting 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, 200%… (up to) 300% snap positions, with a checkbox (or other method) to allow more granular 6.25% steps would help simplify the experience?

      Yep, in fact it’s already like that in Plasma 5.18: the slider goes in increments of 25%, and there’s a spinbox next to it that lets you enter more detailed values with increments of 6.25%.


    2. Thanks! This “Other notifications” page doesn’t come from KDE. I think maybe Kubuntu added it. Probably worth reporting to them.


  4. Hello! Could you please tell me where plasma does store its night color settings? Because apply button is inactive since last time I changed its settings and I can’t even disable it or set to default. The only way to disable it I’ve found is to change gamma to something else. Thank you.


  5. Yeah!!

    Another great week at the KDE world.

    Loving the fixes, the copy to clipboard at Spectacle under Wayland already works :).

    I can’t help but to be really happy and grateful everyday and every week (Sunday) i see all the efforts and work at Nate’s weekly post.

    Thank you as always to everyone who make all this possible, specially to Nate Graham, who is delivering all the news every Sunday. Wayland is becoming more usable, step by step and those’re fantastic news.

    A huge hug to everyone mentioned above ^^.


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